Providing Value

Your time and expertise are most valuable to our community when you’re creating and delivering projects and services.

It’s time to let I’m In™ do the data entry for you.

After years of creating, delivering and evaluating community projects, we understand the value they provide. We also understand that the process of collecting data to demonstrate this value is tedious and time-consuming.

We created I’m In™ so you can focus on creating great outcomes for the community, while I’m In™ takes care of the data collection and evaluation.

We are passionate about improving the rigour and quality of data collected by community-based projects. I’m In™ is a sophisticated system, yet simple to use.

With more than 2000 registered users, I’m In™ has helped our team attract over $6 million in funds for community programs with the support of strong data and analytics.

I’m In™ can do this for you.

Using I’m In™

I’m In™ uses two platforms: an app to collect data in-field and a website to store, connect and circulate the data.

The I’m In™ app is used in-field to collect data:

  • It’s downloaded for free by participants to register their details, book into sessions, learn about programs, and sign in on arrival.

  • It’s also used by session and event managers to scan people in, record attendance and capture pictures, video and audio.

The I’m In™ Connect website is used to manage your data:

  • Set up new projects, programs and sessions.

  • All data collected in-field is automatically synced to the I’m In™ Connect website.

  • Tables and graphs are generated for easy reporting and evaluation.

  • Access to a comprehensive contacts management system.

  • Send notifications or updates to participants and much more.

I’m In™ App


The I’m In™ app is free to download from the Apple or Google Play stores.

Participants follow a simple process to register their details as a User, and a unique QR code is automatically stored within the app on their device.

When a User attends a program or event, they simply open the I’m In™ app on their device, and their unique QR code is scanned to register their attendance.

Once scanned the User’s details are automatically synced with the I’m In™ Connect website.


Available on iOS and Android

Free to download and install onto your Apple or Android devices, via the Apple or Google Play Stores.

Book into programs via the App

Participants can see all programs and sessions and book directly via the app.

Use App to scan-in participants

Instructors and session coordinators use the app to scan-in participants and collect data in-field.

Receive notifications

Users receive notifications, important updates and messages about individual programs and entire projects.


Data encrypted platform

Users registration details are kept private and secure, via double-ended encryption.

Location data

Use Google Maps to highlight program and session locations, making it easier for Users to find.

Create groups for quick scan-in

Users can create Groups for a faster scan-in process for families or big groups via a single QR code.

Update attendance for latecomers

Add/remove Users from final attendance numbers, to ensure accurate data is synced with I’m In™ Connect.

Create and view programsCreate, edit, assign instructors and view/export data for each program you manage
Create your own private user loginYou can even edit your profile or change your password if you forget it.
Dashboard/Project SummarySee a summary of your project(s) statistics

I’m In™ Connect


I’m In™ Connect is where you will create and manage your Project, its Programs and Sessions.

Using the dashboard, you can create new projects, create and send notifications to registered Users, access the contacts management system, review photos, video and notes and all other data collected via the app in-field, and export it for reporting, promotion or research purposes.

All clients receive a series of user videos and user guides, helping you to set up your projects and navigate the intuitive dashboard, ensuring you are ready to collect, connect and circulate your data.

Our team continue to use I’m In™ for our own community projects and are on hand to provide ongoing, person-to-person support, where needed.


Client access only

I’m In™ Connect is for clients only and not accessible to participants or instructors.

Control over your login

Project administrators can edit and change their profile and passwords from the dashboard.

Create new programs and sessions

Create new programs and add/edit sessions as required.


Dashboard/Project Summary

Quick access to a summary of your project data, and review/export data for each program you manage.


Customise your project using your logo, brand colours, and create your own headings and body content.

Push Notifications

Send group messages to your participants at any time.

Want to know more?

Choose an option below for more details or get in touch!